Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Relevant Education

In Seth Godin's Stop Stealing Dreams, he talks a great deal about the purpose of schooling and the shifting need of how students should be taught and what they are learning. Schools were introduced to create obedient workers that needed trivia facts memorized. Godin says "memorizing large amounts of information was essential. In a world where access to data was always limited, the ability to remember what you were taught, without fresh access to all the data, was a critical success factor." One can see the importance of school providing a means of memorizing information for workers of that time and age. 
However, our society and technology has made endless memorization almost unnecessary in many circumstances, and has started valuing creativity and independence over knowing facts and obedience. Yet school form and instruction remain the same with increasing pressures in assessment of things other than creativity and in ways that do not comply with the ways most students function or apply what they know. "Workers aren’t really what we need more of, but schools remain focused on yesterday’s needs," Godin elaborates.
So, in this new world where data is no longer limited and you can find endless information on your smart phone just as fast as you can take it out of your pocket, why are were still spending school instruction hours memorizing facts rather than learning how to navigate the issues of today's world in a meaningful way?

1 comment:

  1. Technology has become a very convenient source to fuel our knowledge. I agree that it seems pointless to waste precious instruction hours memorizing facts. There are many more beneficial things we should be teaching our students in the limited classroom time we have. I feel they would learn the facts they are supposed to be memorizing better if they were presented in a more hands on fashion.I do believe though that we shouldn't rely to much on our technology devices to provide us with all the information we need. It is important to exercise the brain and stay up to date on information. With this shift towards technology we need to make sure to not forget to discover things ourselves rather than always just Googling the answer.
